June 6, 2014

Universal Strategy - Worldly people's perception

Nowadays people's concept and philosophy has totally changed about god and his perception. They are thinking about modern culture and creating a dynamic routine in their daily life but they don't satisfied in reality. they are living tense for work and time.

There are two types of people in the world. First is selfish, which is only concerned with his work and do not care of others. Such People become oblivious to knowing everything and they do not reaction for injustice or evil on others. Second types of people seems wealth and fascination or illusory trap everything on this world and they are suspect about god exist.

Hence such people don't ever realize that happiness and satisfaction, and for be happy in life, they should start to praise and adoration of God. Tulsidas had composed an ethics texts on people perception about god and others.

Here, we are describes an ethical topic based on explanation of today's people perception. that is-

An Ethics Shloka

 Hare Charhin Taphi Bare Jarat Fare Pasarhin Hath |
 Tulsi Swarth Meet Sab Parmarth Raghunath ||

नीति शास्त्र - श्लोक

 हरे चरहिं तपही बरे जरत फरे पसारहिं हाथ |
 तुलसी स्वारथ मीत सब परमार्थ रघुनाथ ||

Explanation:- Tulsidas says about people perception that - "The perception and philosophy of people will totally change when modern culture (modern era) arrives". Every man will be selfish and covetous at that time And they will not care about others. At that time, the character of people will be change and their word and work will vary, they will say lie in everything.

Hence all people will help you only for selfishness otherwise not. So god is the greatest, you should be remember them.

1 comment:

  1. so true in the present context. great philosopher Tulsidas was to predict the future what will be.
